Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Did You Know... About Crocodiles?

Did you know that Crocodiles
cannot stick their tongues out!

- There are 23 species of crocodiles.

- The word crocodile comes from the Ancient
Greek κροκόδīλος (crocodiilos) "lizard".

- The Largest is the Saltwater Crocodile (Up to 23 ft.)

- The Smallest is the African Dwarf Crocodile (6.2 ft.)

- The sex of a crocodile is determined on the basis of its temperature.

- Crocodiles live to an average age of 60, but some have been known to live up to 130 years!

- Crocodiles have been around for 240 million years and are related to the bird species and dinosaurs.

- Crocodile teeth gets replaced throughout its life.

- Crocodiles are carnivores; they eat fish, birds, turtles, frogs, and mammals.

- The bite force of a crocodile is 5000 pounds per square inch - ouch!

- Crocodiles have no sweat glands.

- They lose heat through their mouths, and sometimes pant like dogs to keep cool.

- Crocodiles grow up to 5 meters in length.

- Crocodiles swim for speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour.

- Crocodiles have a 4-chambered heart, which behaves like a 3-chambered Amphibian heart when underwater.

- Crocodiles sweat through there mouth.

- Crocodiles have nests of eggs called clutches

  • Clutches can have 8 to 80 eggs.
  • Takes about 3 months to incubate/hatch.
  • The mother buries the eggs.

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